We had a process, of course!
We started by rinsing most of the debris from the apples and pears.
The girls would gather the apples from the tarp and put them through the "first washing."
Good workers!
Then they'd check the fruit for rotting and any other "undesirabilities." Those that passed inspection went through the final washing before being grinded. Kimberly liked this job best! :)
They needed us for David's muscle ... kidding! :)
We put it through two different filters: A mesh strainer and then this thin tea towel.
Here's the "liquid gold!"
The final reward: Cheers!
Kimberly and Sadie are great friends!
Kimberly loves the opportunity to play "Big Sister!" :)
After it was all said and done, we ended up with 12 jugs of cider. YUM!